Introducing GOthrough

GOthrough wearable FUD external catheter female urinary device that enables women to pee while standing under their clothes while still dressed


(Female Urination Device)

Female models wearable FUD GOthrough strapped in GOthroughWear companion underwear

Discreet bladder relief through garments while dressed

Try it under shorts…

female models wearable FUD GOthrough under jogging shorts worn over GOthroughWear companion underwear


woman shows how to pee through GOthroughWear companion underwear into container beneath skirt

or Thighfly™ pants.

woman shows how to pee through Thighfly of GOthroughWear pants using wearable FUD GOthrough

Pee into a container while standing through GOthroughWear apparel & stay dressed.

Testimonial of a Hiker

Concert-Goer Review

Great pee funnel for hiking, camping, backpacking, travel, festivals and concerts!


Video: How To Wear / Use Your FUD with GOthroughWear

Video shows how companion underwear and undershorts will keep this wearable FUD snug to your crotch so you can pee while standing and remain dressed when using it under loose shorts, skirts or pants with a Thighfly.

Video shows how to connect GOthrough to our companion underwear using the integrated straps and how you could use this wearable FUD under loose shorts, skirts, or Thighfly pants to pee while standing without undressing.

GOthrough Details

GOthrough is a reusable, wearable female urination device (FUD) or external catheter for use under clothes while standing. It’s made with medical-grade silicone approved for long-term skin contact. This patented design is soft and flexible yet holds it’s shape under loose-fitting clothes and is easy to clean.

When worn, the device covers the entire crotch area, with the drain positioned directly under the urethra and the drain exit adjacent to the left thigh.

GOthrough position when worn covers the female crotch area. FUD drain is accessed from the thigh area.
water from faucet shows how urine flows through GOthrough and funnels to ground

For Use With GOthroughWear Undergarments

Our companion underwear cradles the drain and keeps the FUD in place with integrated straps that loop through the device and attach in back of the underwear, underneath the buttocks.